Title: Runaway Emotions
Author: Jeff Schreve
This is a well written book about our emotions and how to deal with them. We all have them and we all need to know how to deal with them and to realize that they are no unusual. The author explores emotions from embarrassment to depression. He helps us to know what causes us to feel inferior, loneliness, frustration, worry, anger, guilt, discontentment, and depression. Emotions make life interesting. Life without emotions would not be fascinating in the least. He explains how emotions make life worth living. They are the colors of life. Unfortunately, as fallen human beings living in a fallen world, we aren't given the privilege to pick and choose which emotions we will experience in our lives. We appreciate all the joy, love, laughter, peace and wonder we can wrap our arms around. But then we also have to deal with the dark side of the emotional spectrum. There we find fear, worry, anger, and bitterness. Guilt, loneliness, and embarrassment also join in to rear their ugly heads. Sometimes these negative emotions run away with our joy and peace. The author likens these negative, runaway emotions to smoke detectors. They tell us, "There's a problem here. Something's out of adjustment and desperately needs attention. The author helps understand that even these negative emotions can play a positive role in our lives. He uses scripture to show us that there is a specific and compelling message in each of our negative, painful emotions. He lets us know that God doesn't want any of us to get stuck in one or more or these troubling feelings. The choice is ours to make.
Jeff Schreve is a passionate communicator of God's word with a great desire to help people connect with Jesus Christ and experience His love and plan for their lives. Since 2003 he has served as pastor of First Baptist Texarkana, Texas. In 2005 he foualnded From His Heart Ministries a national and international radio and television ministry.
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