Title: One God One Plan One Life
Author: Max Lucado
Max Lucado ministers at the Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. More that 100 million readers have found comfort in his writings.
One God One Plan One life addresses important topics like faith, obedience, and self-control as well as difficult-to-discuss-with-your-parents issues like purity, bullying, and alcohol and drug use. Each day includes a short devotion and scripture as well as a straight-to-the-heart idea that will inspire you to trust the one God who will love you through it all and despite it all
I have read many devotional books in my life, but I have never read one as good as this one. Not only is this book good for young people, it is very good for all ages. There are devotionals for every day and every situation. These devotions are very easy to follow and understand. Teens and young people have life coming at them fast and hard, the Bible can be an "answer book" for them. It is a good idea to read something from it every day, This devotional is a good way to get started on a reading plan. Teachers may pile on the reading assignments, but the Bible is the most important book you will ever read. It's God's plan for your life, telling you what is right, what is wrong, and how to get to heaven.
I give this book 5 stars.