Title: Yours Is The Day, Lord, Yours Is The Night
Authors: Jeanie & David Gushee
This book offers a collection of morning and evening prayers, a different one for every day and night of the year. They refect sasons, holidays, and the liturgical calendar of the Western Christian church. It is a good "springboard" for spontaneous Christian prayers. It helps us to meet and greet the new day with God. Some of the wording was a bit "stiff", but if used as a framework for prayerful devotions with a morning an evening prayer I found it somewhat useful. The morning prayers can be used to greet the new day with God. The evenig prayers close the day, asking for God's blessing as we lose ourselves in sleep. The evening prayers can "pull" us in and help us focus after a long and sometimes stressful day. They can help quiet our mind and bring us in tune with God. The apodte Paul instructed us to "pray without ceasing" (1Thess. 5:17). We can use this book to honor God and sek Him.
Jeanie Gushee is a published poet with a B. A. in English literature from the College o William and Mary
David Gushee, PHD is a well-known Christian ethicist who serves as a distinguished university professor of Christian ethics at Mercer University. He and Jeanie have been married for 28 years.