Title: The Quotable Rogue
The Ideals of Sarah Palin In Her Own Words
Edited by Matt Lewis
Matt Lewis is a writer,blogger,and commentator based in Alexandria, Virginia. He currently serves as a senior Contributor for the Daily Caller. A former columnist for Politics Daily, Lewis hosts The Matt Lewis Show podcast, and cohosts The Week in Blog, a weekly dialog on Bloggingheads.TV.
Previously, he served as a contributing writer and blogger for Townhall.com. Matt has appeared on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, and C-SPAN, as well as on numerous radio shows, including The G. Gordon Liddy Show, Lou Dobbs, and NPR's Talk of the Nation. He has been quoted by major publications, such as the Washington Post and the New York Times, and has authored columns and blogs for diverse publications, including Politico, Human Events Online, the Daily Caller, Big Government,and Campaigns and Elections Magazine.
When republican presidential candidate John McCain stepped to the podium and introduced the then Alaska governor as his running mate, few Americans had even heard of her. Before long she was beloved by conservatives, disdained by liberals, carefully studied by centrist independents, and dissected relentlessly by an insatiable media machine.
This book gives insight into the views of Sara Palin on such isues as abortion, the Real America, living in Alaska, on Barack Obama, economics, crime, education, faith, family, politics, the recession, Washington, etc.
We are also given a glimpse into the opinions of John McCain, People Magazine, Michael Reagan, Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, as well as family and resicents of Alaska. Minnesote Representative Michele Bachmann in the Minnesota Daily of April 7, 2010 says of Mrs. Palin "Part of it is she's so much one of us. As absolutely drop dead gorgeous as this woman is on the outside, I'm here to testify she's 20 times more beautiful on the inside."
After reading this book, I felt that I knew much more about this fascinating, intellegent woman. This is a very "fast" read. I give it 4 stars.