Title: Max on Life
Author: Max Lucado
This book gathers Max's responses to the most often asked questions about faith, heaven,and hell,plus dilemmas about sex, managing money,and raising kids. There are short, practical,inspirational, and bible-based essays.Being both a pastor and a writer, Max has received more than his share of questions concerning "whys, whens, whats, and how comes." The author begins with the first chapter called "hope" and gives us his collected thoughts an this subject all the way through to the "hereafter". There is also an addendum for would be writers. The addendum contains information on "how to write", "when to write," "who can publish", and who can edit". Max Lucado doesn't pretend to give the final word on difficult issues. He does, however, keep the reader looking toward the ONE who is the ultimate Answer to all our hows and whys and wheres and whens.
On the subject of Hope, there are questions about "God, Grace. and 'Why am I here.'" Max answers questions about being saved, confession, and forgiveness among other subjects that people are concerned about.
One of the big "whys" is often about "hurt" This is a major problem that Max discusses which includes death, disease, and injured feelings.
Max tells us where to go for "help" be it prayer, scripture, or church. There is help for new Christians,as well as those who are struggling through some times both financially and personally.
There are many answers regarding "Him/Her", sex, romance, and second chances.
"Home" gives us diapers, disagreements, and answers the question, "any hope for prodigals?" All these issues can be put in perspective by remembering that God is a father.
Another struggle people have is with "Have/Have nots". The subjects in this chapter concern work, money, and "Where's the lifeline." Starting with unglamorous jobs and including debt Max gives us many scripture references to help us with these subjects.
Max gives us his thoughts and understanding of scriptures concerning the "Hereafter", cemeteries, heaven, hell,and "Who goes where".
At the end of the book is a topical index and a scripture index along with the authors notes that make using this book for a bible study very helpful.
I found this book very educational and an easy read. I give it 5 stars.