Title: Same Life, New Story
Author: Jan Silvious
This is a ten-week Bible study that offers women a powerful truth: one small change can have profound effects. With humor, vulnerability, and transparency, Jan Silvious--a professional life coach--uses a unique blend of modern-day anecdotes and biblical character stories to bring you out of the land of what is and victoriously into the land of what can be,
Each chapter examines the life of a woman from the Bible, providing unique insights into scripture as well as questions for personal reflection and journal exercises. Learn how to overcome the past, conquer fear, say "I can," face adversity, and harness resilience.
This is a book about writing a new story and discovering that the authentic principal character--the hero--is you.
This is also a story about God, the God who was "in the beginning" {Gen. 1:1}, and yet is very present in every moment of today and in all the days to come. This is a book about how we see God's pen strokes in the chapters of our lives.
See your story through the eyes of Naomi, Leah, Rahab, and Deborah. Discover as Hannah, Abigail, and Elizabeth did-- the irreplaceable role that God longs to play in your life. Learn how changing your perspective can truly change your life.
God is waiting for you to join Him in His story. As you catch a glimpse of what He has planned for you, I believe you will willingly pick up your pen and begin to write. You will live the same life, but you will write a new story.
Sometimes the first chapter of a new story is also the last chapter of an old story. They overlap, and the change from old to new is seamless when we allow God to write the transition sentence.
This book contains many group discussion questions for a very complete Bible study. I give this book 5 stars. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher, Thomas Nelson. However, I am not required to submit a positive review.